Thursday, November 11, 2010

Large Birthday Cakes, Surprise,az

5th November (Book) 4th

Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers

This book really gave me a headache. It started that I had an issue Vomm flea market, which stopped right in the middle ... Andi then has given me a complete edition, where I now, after I read it, found out that there are two parts! There are The Three Musketeers, 20 Years Later and The Viscount Bragelonne.
So I read the first part. I'm ambivalent
something about this book. The beginning was quite boring, and I also have been annoyed informed of d'Artagnan .... because he just .. Goofy is: / it's like a pubescent racket ... terrible. later, it will better, especially if it begins to twist Lady Winter right!

Also: Now I have read something of Dumas the elder and the younger one I think is great:)


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