Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Erythematous Maculopapular Rash On Black People

29th June 2010 (book)

Arthur Schnitzler's The Green Cockatoo

The Green Cockatoo is a restaurant in Paris just before the French Revolution. In this pub to connect actors to do so as if they were criminals, while aristocrats amused about it. while blurring reality and drama of the game and even start to the storming of the Bastille.

I personally found is not that great, especially the beginning is a little bland ... but the end is better. but it is also very suggests constructed.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Elvis Singing Birthday Card

17th June (book)

Stephenie Meyer Twilight Breaking Dawn

I finally finished reading the series. Please read no further if you want to read a spoiler. I will write down the contents. Bella and Edward marry

-on the honeymoon they father a child. The baby in her belly she almost kills, at the birth, they turned Edward into a vampire. Reneesme the child is alive and well and Jacob imprinted on them. Bella is a vampire, of course, all random, etc. By the Volturi get wind that they have a child and believe that it is an undead child. as to the world of the vampire is prohibited, they are planning an attack on the Cullens. alice sees this and goes to Jasper away from the Cullens, the vampire in the meantime as friends gather evidence for the Volturi. In the meantime, Bella developed with Alice's help, a plan B to save live and learn Nessis their strength, it is a shield to dominate. When the Volturi show up, of course, are all ready to fight, but then Alice appears on another half-vampire, and it turns out that half-vampire vampire as well can live forever. This has caused the Volturi forced to withdraw in peace.
happy ending!
I have not understood why jacob should be unhappy because Nessie is immortal? funny. and it leaves room for continued ne, since you do not then un Nessie has not prefer the other immortal takes half-vampire instead of Jacob

the book a few nice moments, but it is more and more of a terrible Mary Sue;)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Masterbation Fifths Disease

4th June 2010 (book)

Stephenie Meyer Twilight Saga

Now just before the movie starts and before I want to read the last volume, I thought I read Breaking Dawn again. The strong feelings I had when I first read were from. The nerve factor was the greater ... Bella is really a terrible person. She says it often enough and even their stupidity on a really sick. However, some scenes are really nice and tempting. I'm yes on kitsch ... because of that that goes well with me;)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Aflac Supplemental Pregnancy


Yesterday I noticed that the J irgendiwe lately for me very important is beautiful.
There are so many beautiful things there in my life Jutes that begin with J.

July ... their songs I like totally love
Jaud ... idiot! The book, not you;)
Jena ... my Thuringian r dream
Jandova ... The Happy rocks!
Jürgen .. . A certain drummer .. .
Jacob ... I found a meaning. XD
Jennifer ... Rostock!
.. du ..
because you have the most beautiful name beginning with J.